During Spring Break I wanted to do some different and fun things with the kids. I have known about this toy store that is right down the road, but I have never been to it. I just figured it would be over priced toys that my kids would want and then play with for 5 minutes. Well, I was wrong. This place was awesome! No Batteries Policy. They have lots and lots of animals, books, little trinkets...I could go on, but I think you get the point. The best part of the store is they have a huge sand pit that is made of recycled plastic milk containers. For a small fee, you get to dig for "treasure". Maxwell and Annabel had a blast doing this. Annabel's favorite part was the talking tree. She just could not figure out how this tree was talking and singing songs.
Digging for treasure |
Where was this place when Maxwell was infatuated with animals? |
Talking tree |
Looks like fun, and the kids are as cute as always:) Thanks for posting on your spring break fun!
Great Store. I didn't realize you had not been there. Glad you had fun.