Sunday, April 29, 2012

Annabel's 4th Birthday

I can't believe our sweet little girl is 4 years old!  We began the day by letting her choose what she wanted for breakfast.  She decided on a chocolate chip cookie at Einstein Bagels and that's exactly what she got!  After breakfast she opened up all of her gifts, which took us quite awhile.  We forgot how long it takes to assemble these things.  

After playing Barbie, My Little Pony, ect. it was time for her to take a nap.  Yes, she still loves to sleep.  Cake was the next important thing on the list.  
After eating princess cake and ice cream we finished out the day by swimming in the pool.  Needless to say, the kids slept great that night.  The fun continued on Sunday where we went to the park to play and to ride bikes.
Once again, we swam for a good part of the day.  Annabel had a great birthday weekend and thanks everyone for the wonderful gifts!


  1. Happy Girl! ~Kat

  2. Lovely pictures of the sweet birthday girl:)

